Partnership Memorandum was made between the „Independent Directors Association“ and the „Nodia, Urumashvili and Partners“ - one of the leading consulting company in Georgian market. According to the memorandum, the parties take responsibility to conduct their practices so that to implement worldwide standards of corporate governance in Georgia.
To achieve the memorandum goals, Nodia, Urumashvili and Partners will financially support Independent Directors Association’s current projects. In return, the Independent Directors Association is determined to utilize its corporate resources and information database, as well as members' intellectual resources, experience and knowledge.
Parties agreed to cooperate due to the following themes: cooperation with the interested parties for improving legislation acts; cooperation with the business, media, professional and nongovernmental organisations to increase awareness about corporate governance standards and practice in the world; cooperation for implementing Independent Directors institute and Corporate Governance Code in the country; as far as organise different kind of events and publish articles and interviews via different kind of media sources.